In this video, we analysed our opening by identifying the different techniques and procedures we used and why. 

We decided to create Pinterest mood boards to put across our different social groups which include our character outfits which draw out themes of wealth and a sophisticated woman. 
The props we decided to use convey a sense of typical celebrity life, with the suitcases hinting at an element of travel and running away from the paparazzi, we created the illusion of flashing on our
protagonist by using various cameras and sound effects.
 Also, we decided to pay increased attention to detail when deciding on props. This included children's books which portrayed our protagonists softer side and her experience with motherhood. This contrasts with the use of wine and wine glasses to present our character as a struggling celebrity as someone who is vulnerable and close to breaking point. Also, by using a luxury bag and trendy, expensive clothing in a secluded setting further adds to the wealthy surrounding and lifestyle our protagonist adopts.  
 Our main social group that is relevant in our film is the paparazzi as they manipulate our protagonists private life and push her over the edge to the point where she has to run away from it all, although out suspenseful ending makes it unclear if she succeeds. 
The paparazzi have great power over celebrities lives and can make or break a celebrity which is the message we wanted to put across in our film. However, our protagonist is caught up in a scandal that gives her attention in all the wrong ways.

1 comment:

  1. Video analysis of codes & conventions of film opening plus 4 Pinterest boards. Excellent account of genre conventions and sound grasp of how meanings are created.
