- Firstly, we watched the Delicatessen title sequence and studied over it and how it was effective at putting across the story and the different camera shots and angles used
- I also watched To kill a mockingbird 's opening title which has a similar structure to delicatessen. But a different use of misé-en-scene and dramatic music combined with a black and white filter
- Then In our groups we used this as inspiration for creating our own title sequence, to start with we set up a misè-en-scene set with the props from our prop collection which included mostly old fashioned items to fit the theme such as old photographs of a young couple, pearls, a lace dress and then to portray the characters struggle with addiction we used a bottle of wine and poured this into a glass and some white powder to convey drug addiction also.

- We recorded our title sequence using the background music; Nostalgia by Emily Barker
- Then we began to film the title sequence using a snaking technique with Canon cameras and trailing with different lighting
- Next, we filmed our live action section by using a door and incorporating some of our theme from our title sequence into this. In our case this was someone struggling with addiction so brought out a wine bottle from our prop collection to film with
- After filming this we edited this all together in iMovie and added the music
- Then we checked through by watching it once, after this we began adding our names in various places of the title sequence and added a film company called 'moonshine studios' and towards the end we worked together to come up with a good title and then put the title of our film in the middle at the beginning in a bold font. We used an old fashioned cursive font for the credits to carry on the theme of our sequence.
- Overall, the whole process went pretty well, we managed to get a smooth tracking over all the objects. However, we did face some difficulty in making sure the edge of the table was not in the shot and making sure to remember to focus on different parts. The live action went well and we were able to get the perfect film after a few different attempts.
Excellent creative work making an interesting title sequence. Good selection of props to tell a story, smooth filming, good editing, appropriate typography and it all fits with the soundtrack.